Day 20 – Add dynamic URL


To create dynamic URL for subscriber to click on within the email body.


SET @fullname = Concat(FirstName, " ", LastName)
SET @URL = SurveyUrl
SET @fullURL = Concat(@URL, "&entry.1345373543=", FirstName, "&entry.1970641631=", LastName, "&entry.1109494443=", Email)

Hi %%=v(@fullname)=%%,

Thank you for choosing Next Rental. We value your business and want to improve our services to better serve you. 

Please take a moment to complete a short survey about your recent rental. Your feedback helps us to enhance our services. 

Take the survey

Thank you for your time and feedback. We look forward to serving you again. 

Best regards,
Next Rental 



After concatenating the URL, I chose to add it to the text “Take the survey” via the Link button with Link to “Other” and then paste the AMPscript code to the Link URL column. Alternatively, it can also be done via html format in the content body using the RedirectTo() function:

<a href=”%%=RedirectTo(@surveyLink)=%%”>Take the survey</a>